Aging Out of Foster Care

Yearly, more than 20,000 foster care youth will “age out” of foster care.  Unfortunately, outcomes for youth who have “aged out” of foster care are poor: Between 25% and 45% had not completed high school 20% to 50% are unemployed Approximately 25% had experienced...

Welcoming a Child or Teen into Foster Care

Entry to foster care is an emotionally traumatic time for children and teens as it follows separation from families and all that is familiar. Children and teens will probably need time to adjust to this massive transformation in their lives. Here are some things you...

Thinking about adoption? Check out these FAQ’s!

Q: How long does the process of adopting a child typically take? A:  Parents hoping to adopt need to be prepared for a long and bumpy ride. Again, the length of time varies based on the type of adoption. Adopting a newborn from the United States can sometimes be...