Going back to school after the summer break can be an exciting time for children and families alike. It can also bring hard times on children and families facing adversities at home. Foster children have their own unique set of experiences with school, including dealing with new schools, changing schools midyear, behavioral problems, being behind in schoolwork, and more. We have compiled some great resources to learn more about helping foster children and families adjust to school. Check them out!
How Can I Help My Foster Child With Problems at School?
New School – New Anxieties: How You Can Help Your Child Adjust
Foster Care, Special Education, and Learning and Attention Issues: What You Need to Know Foster Youth & School: The Ongoing StrugglesSchool Mornings Without the Stress
Our workers at Children’s Services of Virginia are on hand to help you with any and all strategies to help with school issues with your foster children. If you are thinking of becoming a foster parent in Winchester, Harrisonburg, or Fredericksburg, we encourage you to contact us today to learn more!
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